Saturday, October 18, 2008

What's an Ohmu?

<--- Two Ohmu holding up Nausicaa.

So, I figured my readers might wonder what an Ohmu is. To fully understand what an Ohmu is one must watch Studio Ghibli's Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. It's an amazing movie that has inspired me, and changed my life. Although it is animated it has depth many movies can't achieve.

Back to the point, an Ohmu is a giant insect that attacks people who are violent, or harm the Earth. They are an unstoppable force and when angered they are impossible to stop. I won't ruin the movie by giving away an secrets, but the Ohmu play a huge part. It may seem strange that I choose such a bizarre creature to name my blog after, but the Ohmu is a symbol to me of the world around me. The Ohmu symbolizes everything alive on the planet, and all ancient things. They are silent and communicate through feeling, so by saying an Ohmu speaks is like creating a bridge between the natural and human. I hope to live up to my name by putting out work that is powerful, insightful, unstoppable, and a protector of life. I want to uphold the different pillars of existence this life has to offer and to uncloud people's eyes from hatred and ignorance. I also want to dig out all the beautiful and uplifting things in the world and give them a place to roam here. I hope I can accomplish all this and just like the Ohmu I want to preserve the goodness in the world. I hope this was a satisfactory explanation for anyone who was unsure before about my blog's naming.

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